30th July 2006

Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com ... more clips to add later 

All contacts are on CW unless otherwise stated.

24th June
0736 JA6AHB R-11/-10 on JT65c... I was using only 100W, 0823 SM5LE R-17/-19dB on JT65c, 1000 SM5LE 559/559, 1135 RW1AW 569/579, 1157 SM5LE 559/559 and 1250 W9IIX 559/449.

30th June
1327 SM6CKU 569/579 and 1959 IW2FZR 569/559.

1st July - AW
1049 VK4AFL 559/549, 1445 RW1AW 569/579, 1835 W7BBM 55/55 on ssb, 1916 W9IIX 559/549 and 2119 NA4N 559/569.

2nd July - AW
1201 VK3UM 569/569, 1359 RW3BP 559/559, 1442 RW1AW 569/589 and 55/57-58 on ssb, 1925 LX1DB 58/57 on ssb, 2026 K9SLQ 589/569, 2039 N2UO 559/559 and 2049 IK2MMB 569/569.

3rd July
2037 G4DZU -16/R-16 on JT65c... Doug's first JT65 QSO

19th July
0748 RW1AW 569/579 and 56/55 on ssb, 0829 SM3LBN 569/559 and G3LTF 569/569.

20th July
0952 OH3MCK O/RO -19dB best on JT65c  and SM5LE RO/O -14dB best also JT65c.

21st July
0849 ES5PC RO/O -9dB best on JT65c, 1050 SM5LE 549/549.

22nd July - AW
0748 LA9NEA 529/539... with 2.43m stressed dish and 500W, 0830 SM3LBN 569/569, 0908 OH1LRY RO/O -16dB best on JT65c, 0955 RW3BP 559/569, 1002 DL4DTU O/RO... improved to 559/559, 1018 ZS6AXT 569/569, 1052 SM5LE 549/549, 1309 G4DDK RO/O -16dB best on JT65c and 1506 OH1LRY RO/O -11dB best on JT65c.

23rd July - AW
0720 SP6JLW 559/559, 0840 SM5LE RO/O, 0920 DL7YC O/RO (-24/-22dB) on JT65c, 1106 OH3MCK RO/O -23dB best on JT65c, 1216 W9IIX 559/559, 1247 N2UO 559/559, 1314 G4DZU RO/O (-11/-12dB) on JT65c, 1448 G4DDK O/RO (-16/-15dB) on JT65c and 1551 W7BBM 54/55 on SSB.

29th July
1740 ON7UN 589/579 and 1750 W7BBM 54/55 on ssb.

30th July
1800 G4DDK O/RO (-18/-16dB) on JT65c... Sam improved to -15dB best and copied me -24dB with 50W on his 2.4m dish. 1833 OH3MCK O/RO (-20/-25dB) on JT65c... The Moon was close to setting with Petri, but we completed easily within a few minutes, I was running at reduced power - 200W. 1920 VE6TA 569/469... Grant had problems with QRN.


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