29th June 2008

Hyperlinks in reports below are to Real Audio files... you can download the latest version of Real Audio Player for free at  www.real.com ... more clips to add later 

Quick Update

A lot of feed changes were needed this month, but it paid off with several initials and DXCC's being worked both on 23 and 13cm


5th June
0741 CW 4O/OK1DFC RO/O in Montenegro for Initial

7th June
1835 CW SP6JLW 569/569, 1930 CW SM5LE RO/O

8th June
1025 CW Z3/OK1DFC 549/559 in Macedonia for Initial and Grid



7th June
1400 CW SP6GWN O/RO for Initial, Grid and DXCC

12th June
1811 CW IW2FZR 569/539 and 42/53 on ssb for Initial, Grid and DXCC... Dario has a 4m dish and 250W

13th June

1930 CW OK1KIR O(559)/559 for Initial and DXCC
1943 CW F2TU 579/569 and  54/53 on ssb for Initial, Grid and DXCC... Philippe has a 7.8m dish and 200W

28th June
0100 CW VK4AFL O(559)/O(569) cross band 2320/2301 for Initial, Grid, DXCC and Continent... Trevor has a 3.7m dish and 90W
0934 CW ES5PC 569/559 for Initial, Grid and DXCC
1004 CW G3LTF 579/569
1020 CW W5LUA 579/569 cross band 2320/2304 for Initial, Grid, DXCC and Continent
1146 CW WD5AGO  O(539)/O(539) cross band 2320/2304 for Initial and Grid
1230 CW WW2R O/O cross band 2320/2304

29th June
0904 CW SM2CEW 559/559 for Initial, Grid, and DXCC
1000 CW VE6TA O(569)/O(559) for Initial, Grid, and DXCC
1410 CW WW2R 559/539 crossband 2320/2304... much better than previous day
1524 JT65c WW2R RO/O for my first JT QSO on 13cm... quite difficult due to frequency drift at Dave's end, but we made it -23/-19 best

You can find more details of my Initials and standings here

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